Man and woman in cafe, man caresses her face and she smiles as an example of the question does he like me

Does he like me? 14 obvious signs to tell if a guy likes you

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by eharmony Editorial Team November 22, 2023

You like someone and wonder if they feel the same. You look for those subtle signals and it’s hard to tell. How to tell if a guy likes you or is he just being nice? It can be difficult to spot the signs if a guy likes you, especially if you’re in the getting-to-know phase. One of the easiest ways to catch the signs that he’s into you is by paying attention when you meet or text each other. His actions can tell more than his words. You can also tell from his body language if he’s just flirting or genuinely interested. Read on to know the classic signals that a guy displays.

Does he like me? Online chatting and texting

1. He sends a lot of texts and flirty emojis

How to tell if a man likes you through his texting style? A guy who likes you will send a lot of texts. He replies almost immediately if you have initiated a conversation. Getting all those heart-eyes smileys? That’s an obvious sign he likes you!

Tip: Decoding emojis and sending flirty texts can be fun. It is a good sign of harmless flirting and playful teasing – enjoy the getting-to-know process.

2. He’s curious and asks personal questions

You met by chance, on a dating app or through a mutual friend, but does he like you more than a friend? Whatever the medium is, a guy who is interested will ask questions and be curious to know more about you, but not in an intrusive way. Texting is an easy method to open up and to keep in touch. You might think this is an unorthodox way of getting acquainted but it has so many benefits, so why not?

Tip: Be curious – stay upbeat in conversation.

3. He compliments you often

How to tell if a guy likes you through texting for sure? Guys like to shower compliments on women. You will notice these aren’t fake – he’s fond of you and you can tell.

Tip: Reciprocate with genuine compliments.

4. He is consistent and always respects your personal time

A guy who truly likes you will be consistent – he’ll ask about your day and is ready to listen to even your most mundane stories. He’ll try to make you laugh and make you feel good about yourself. But he‘ll understand if you’re busy.

Tip: He cares for you. Make an effort to keep the conversation going.

Does he like me? – body language signs as proof

Body language clues can be subtle and easy to miss. Pay close attention so you know if a guy likes you.

1. He gives you a big welcoming smile or raises his brows

Does he like me or is he just being nice when smiling? Everyone knows that ‘whole face lights up’ kind of smile. When he first sees you, his brows shift up a bit too. These are subtle signs but clear indicators to answer the question ‘how to know if a guy likes you”.

Tip: Give him a warm smile and be relaxed around him.

2. He stares at your face and finds ways to touch you

His eyes take a little cruise around your face and body. He sits close and leans even closer when you talk. There will be accidentally-on-purpose touches. Out on a cold evening? He’ll likely lend you his coat – it shows he wants you to be comfortable.

Tip: Deciphering the subtle signals can be fun. Enjoy this phase.

3. He tries to mirror your gestures and actions  

If a guy is mirroring your actions or words, it means he’s attracted to you. He’ll mimic your postures, gestures, deliberately but not in a creepy way.

Tip: He’s subconsciously signaling that he’s into you. Try to establish rapport.

4. He stumbles over his words

Your sheer presence is having an impact on him. You’re making him nervous and no, that isn’t your fault. When you find him stumbling on his words, it’s a sign of falling in love. He may pull his socks up, smooth his hair or fidget. Large pupils, clammy hands, or a flushed face are other signs a guy likes you.

Tip: Everyone feels nervous around a crush – give him a reassuring smile or say something nice.

5. He glances back 

When you go in different directions after catching up, does he glance back one more time? If so, this is a great sign that he likes you. It means he cares about you and is checking to make sure that you are alright. He also wants to look at you one more time.

Tip: Solid indicator you are dating a caring guy – send him sweet messages.

Body language and signs of attraction

We take an even deeper look at body language and signs of attraction, how you can read them and the more recent idea of digital body language on apps.

Does he like me? – His actions and hehavior

1. He wants to be your hero

He makes you feel safe. If he’s trying to protect you, it means he cares for you. Does he hold your hands while walking? Or does he call to check if you reached home safely? Those are obvious signs he likes you.

Tip: Try to reciprocate by being caring.

2. He has your full attention

Does he like me back? If so, he’ll be grossly attentive in any conversation with you. Are you facing a problem? He’ll go out of his way to search for a solution. He’ll take the initiative and try to organize your next meet. In short, he wants to spend more time with you and does not want you to be distracted.

Tip: Be proactive in spending time with him.

3. You engage in meaningful conversations

Is he showing interest in your interests? When you talk, do you feel you really connect? Is he honest with you? If there’s some level of trust and understanding it’s an obvious sign he likes you.

Tip: He could be your next great partner. Nurture this relationship.

4. He wants you to meet his friends

How to tell if a guy likes you if he’s introducing you to his friends?  Guys normally don’t introduce every girl they meet to their closest circle.  

Tip: Be friendly and nice when you meet them.

5. He doesn’t call it ‘hanging out’

He has been around whenever you needed help, he’s respectful to you, and he’s courteous in just about everything he does with you. He’s not trying to hide his feelings and is trying to pursue a more serious relationship.

Tip: Congrats! It’s an extraordinary feeling when someone you like feels the same about you. He likes you back!

How to tell if a guy is not into you?
Top 5 signs he’s not interested

Equally important are the sign’s that he’s lost interest. Lack of eye contact, pulling away when you try to hold hands are bad signs. If he doesn’t like you back, he might also show this kind of behavior:

  1. He keeps dodging a date or cancels last-minute: A guy who is not interested will give lame excuses, cut the date short or just disappear
  2. He never initiates a conversation: If he isn’t interested, he won’t be around, he won’t call or text, he ignores your messages or sends short replies
  3. He doesn’t want to be seen in public with you: First, he doesn’t ask you to hangout. Second, if you make arrangements he’ll either come up with an excuse or bring a friend along. He’ll only hang out when it works for him
  4. He won’t make that extra effort: When you’re together (which isn’t very often), you feel like he’s lost. There is no enthusiasm – he’s busy with his phone or just not paying attention
  5. He doesn’t prioritize you: You can never count on him for anything. You have even noticed him flirting in front of you

He’s not into you: 10 signs he just doesn’t think of you that way

You’re not sure the feeling is mutual? We summarized 10 key signs your relationship is more one-sided than you think.

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