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The #1 trusted dating app
2022 survey of 1,300 Respondents from the US, UK, Canada and Australia
Every 14 minutes, someone finds love on eharmony
eharmony user data
Highest quality dating pool
2023 survey of 2,807 dating app users in the U.S., UK, Canada and Australia
Our dating site helps millions find real love

Over 2 million
have found love
… could you be next?

The app that helps users find the happiest relationships*
… the right one may be waiting for you!

2.3 million messages sent weekly
See who wants to talk to you!
The dating site designed to help you find real love
Your search for a great relationship has never been easier thanks to the eharmony Compatibility Matching System, which sets us apart from other dating sites.
Why compatibility is at the heart of our dating app
At eharmony, we offer a customized approach to finding real love. Our unique Compatibility Matching System distinguishes us from other dating sites and helps us to get to know you, so we can match you better.
Start dating people just like you
We don’t have a type – our dating site includes people of all ages, demographics and backgrounds. People who are seeking meaningful relationships based on something deeper than just looks, likes and location. They’re here for love. Just like you.

Get Guidance and support from our eharmony team
Our Customer Care team is here to guide you through the process. From signing up on our dating website to sharing your success story, we’re here to support you. Visit our FAQs and Help Center.
Our dating site celebrates millions of love stories

Connecting with someone who gets you just feels different. Our success couples are proof that when you’re ready to find real love, we’re ready for you.
Trust and Safety are our priority

When using dating apps, trust and safety are key. With a skilled, in-house Trust & Safety team by your side, you can feel confident and stay focused on dating when you’re on eharmony.
Expertise and tips help you on your online dating journey
Your guide to dating all in one place. The latest articles and blogs written by love experts, licensed psychologists and journalists, exclusively on eharmony.
The dating site that’s focused on real love
eharmony, real love is at the center of everything we do. By using a scientific approach based on psychological research, our members can match, message and meet up with people they have a meaningful connection with and find exactly what they’re looking for on our dating app. Whether you want to date, find a partner or get engaged, eharmony is here for you.
One of the original dating sites
While eharmony was one of the first dating sites in the online matchmaking game, we continue our mission to find people real love. Our Compatibility Matching System allows you to connect and date people who are ready for a relationship.
Find a relationship with our dating app
Based on years of research and psychological principles, our algorithm takes the results of the Compatibility Quiz and finds members most compatible with you. Your Discover List automatically updates with members who you’ll vibe with on emotional, physical and spiritual levels. While science and data are the foundations of our system, at eharmony we believe that staying true to your feelings is vital for any relationship to work.
Meet the diverse and inclusive dating pool near you
With millions of members, our userbase is a diverse group of people from all over the world who are looking for love.
Finding someone who actually gets you while online dating is hard, but eharmony is different. Our compatibility-based approach takes the guesswork out of how to be yourself online.
Join the #1 trusted dating app
Our in-house Trust & Safety team is here to maintain the safest possible experience for all our members. With innovative technology, global coverage and in-product tools, eharmony takes your safety as a top priority.
Find real love on our dating site
The proof of eharmony is in the millions of success stories that we’ve brought together over the past 20+ years. Try it for yourself – join eharmony for free today.